Recovering From Perfectionism

Isn’t perfection a good thing?  Why would someone need or want to recover from it?  Striving for excellence and having high standards is what it takes to be successful.  I’ve learned that when you stop being a perfectionist you will experience more enjoyment, peace of mind, happiness and success!

My recovery started when my counselor suggested I consider the concept of “Good Enough”.  I felt some initial resistance and at the same time I was curious.  She said if I did a “good enough” job it would allow me to accomplish more and feel better about myself.  I was intrigued and scared.   Perfectionism was a way of life for me.  Starting at a young age I was a perfectionist.  I would write and rewrite papers many times and memorize every small detail so I couldn’t possibly miss a question.

A relentless drive for perfection will eventually take a toll on your work and personal life.  As a perfectionist you set unrealistic demanding goals and if you fail to achieve them you feel worthless.  Your self-esteem and happiness is dependent on something that is not achievable.

As a Licensed Counselor and Business Coach, I understand the impact your emotional and mental health has on your business satisfaction and success!  Many of my clients are or have been perfectionists.  During their career they have achieved important goals.  They are proud to be a perfectionist until they become miserable and totally burned out.  The relentless pursuit of perfection is emotionally exhausting.

Recovering from Perfectionism requires desire, discipline and determination.  First you need to recognize the negative impact it’s having on your life.  Then you have to feel bad enough to want to do something about it.  Sustainable Change is a process that requires taking “baby steps”.  An example is doing a “good enough” job with one project or paper.  You have to live outside your comfort zone and stay committed to incremental improvement.  Success is about making progress!

Once you accept that you have a problem with perfectionism, it is possible to recover and experience a happier and more fulfilling life. Remember that being perfect doesn’t make you more worthy of love.  You are lovable just because 🙂

Margo Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Business, Career, Life Coach


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