The Benefits of Sharing A Personal Struggle

Sharing a personal struggle takes courage and commitment.  It’s scary to expose weaknesses and express something that puts you at risk for being judged.  A success or progress story can provide hope and inspiration, especially for those dealing with a similar struggle. Knowing the benefits for yourself and others may motivate you to do it or not.  If so, start small.  You don’t have to tell everyone!

In my last blog post, I shared a personal struggle success story.  It took me months to have the courage to write and post it.  If you are interested, it’s on my website…

Sharing a Personal Struggle:  The “Motivating” Benefits 

1.  Inspiration: Your story can inspire others who are facing similar challenges, showing them that overcoming adversity is possible and providing them with hope and motivation.

2. Empowerment:  By sharing your journey of overcoming personal struggles, you empower others to take control of their own lives and work towards positive change.

3.  Connection:  Your story creates a sense of connection and camaraderie with others who have experienced similar struggles, fostering a supportive community and reducing feelings of isolation.

4.  Validation:  Sharing your success story validates the experiences of others who may have faced similar challenges, helping them feel understood and less alone in their struggles.

5.  Education: Your story can educate others about the realities of certain issues, such as mental health, addiction, or trauma, raising awareness and reducing stigma surrounding these topics.

6.  Resilience:  Sharing your success story highlights your resilience and ability to overcome obstacles, serving as a reminder that setbacks do not define you and that growth and transformation are possible.

7.  Personal Growth:  Reflecting on and sharing your success story can facilitate personal growth and self-discovery, allowing you to recognize your strengths, values, and accomplishments.

8.  Advocacy:Your success story can become a powerful advocacy tool, advocating for changes in policy, resources, or social attitudes to better support individuals facing similar challenges.

9.  Healing:  Sharing your success story can be a form of healing and closure, allowing you to integrate your past struggles into your identity and move forward with a sense of purpose and resilience.

Benefits from A.I. 

Overall, sharing a personal struggle has the potential to inspire, empower, educate, and connect with others, creating positive change and growth for individuals and society. 

I hope my anorexia recovery story helps people at risk for having an eating disorder, those already dealing with one, those who love them and others who are interested in learning more.    

With much caring,


Margo Geller CSW, CRC

Professional Counselor

Personal, Business and Retirement Coach

Call or Text: 404-218-4559


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