Do You Love What You Do?

My answer is yes!  How about you?  No big deal if you don’t.  There are actually more people like you then me.  The good news is that you can create a work life that you love (or like more) and “It’s never too late!”

I believe that Misery is Motivating.  Miserable means being sick and tired of feeling bad or not having something you really, really want.  Until you become miserable you probably aren’t ready to make a change.

As a Personal, Business and Career Coach I help people become happier in their work and personal life.  Many of my clients are considering self employment or retirement.  Others want a new job or career.  My goal is to make the process of change faster and more fun!

I was so excited when I got my first job as a counselor until I  realized it wasn’t a good fit.  I felt horrible.  It was time to regroup.  Now what?  The thought made me sick to my stomach.  I went into avoidance mode.  Then I became miserable and motivated!   Soon I had a new job 🙂

Seven Steps for Making a Change

  1. Acknowledge feeling miserable (or very bad)
  2. Feel your determination and desire to make a change (motivation)
  3. Make a commitment to change what is making you miserable.
  4. Anticipate potential obstacles or challenges.
  5. Get support (personal and professional) in place before proceeding.
  6. Create a step-by-step change plan.  Start with a small step.
  7. Assess your progress, make adjustments and celebrate!

Do what you love and love what you do!   Start today by taking a little leap towards loving (or liking) your work life a lot more.  A Counselor or Coach can help you navigate the inevitable challenges that come with change.  It’s easy to get derailed or depressed, so don’t!

Are you miserable or getting close to feeling miserable?   Want to make a change in your work life?   I’d love to help you!  Your first “small step” is to give me a call!

Margo Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach


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