The Power of Silence

Whether you are an Employee, Self-Employed Professional or Business Owner people come to you for help.  You ask questions to determine the details and depth of the problem.  You want to help them find a “good” solution.

As a Licensed Counselor and Coach, my clients come to me when they are in a funk or feel stuck.  They share their concerns and it’s not uncommon for them to well up with tears while talking.  That’s when I intentionally stop talking.  My silence allows them to experience their feelings rather then being interrupted with a comment, question or piece of advice.

What happens next is quite amazing.  The way they look, sound and think is much calmer and clearer.  They are relieved and pleased.  It’s an empowering experience to let loose and express painful emotions.  It’s a critical part of change.

It’s hard to solve a problem when you are extremely agitated, angry or sad.  Emotional intensity impacts your brain’s ability to think rationally.  This is a scientifically proven statement.

After a short amount of silence, my clients feel so much better.   Now they can clearly communicate and together we can begin to solve their problem.  From my vantage point it feels kind of magical.  Making space for silence is my secret sauce!

In 2008 the stock market crashed and I lost several clients.  To say I was upset is an understatement.  Journaling about how angry and scared I was made me feel better.  Seeing my counselor and talking to a good friend also helped.  Before too long I was back to being my energetic and enthusiastic self.

My favorite motto is First Feel, Second Solve and Third Take Action.  A journal may not be your thing.  There are many  ways to get your emotions out.  Another favorite of mine is watching a sad movie.  Be creative!

If you are feeling bad about your job or business, please give me a call.  My first consultation is complimentary!

Margo Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach


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