Managing The Monkey Mind

I don’t know about you, but my mind regularly races around like a monkey.   I’ve been working on managing my monkey mind for many years and have happily had some success!  I feel much calmer, clear headed and confident.  When my mind starts going a million miles an hour with worries or new ideas, I stop and plant my feet firmly on the floor before I take a few slow deep breaths.  Within minutes my body relaxes and my racing mind shifts from fifth to first gear.

The monkey mind is a Buddhist term used to describe agitated, easily distracted and uncontrollable feelings and behavior.  Thoughts are jumping around in your head like monkeys swinging from one branch to another.

It’s hard to be happy or successful when you are overwhelmed with thoughts twirling around in your head.  I remember when I was thinking about raising my rates.  My monkey mind took over and I became immobilized with fear.  Would my current clients leave or potential clients choose not to work with me because I was charging more?   It took talking to my counselor and following the steps below to calm down and make a confident decision.

As with any change you have to really want to make it.  Taming a monkey mind is not easy.  As it becomes a bigger obstacle to achieving your goals you will become more motivated to get to a better place.

A Five-Step Process for Calming Your Mind

  1. Recognize when your mind is overly active
  2. Sit comfortably and take some slow inhales and exhales
  3. Identify negative thoughts and predictions
  4. Realize that these thoughts are not true (reality check)
  5. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate small successes

During transitions we get scared and our monkey mind starts to rev up.  At these times it is even more important to remember and follow my five-step process.  I expect it will help you a lot.  Please let me know if it does.  Thank-you in advance!

Margo Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach


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