Just Say NO!

Just Say No imageSetting Boundaries by saying, “No” can be difficult for anyone.  You don’t want to hurt, upset or disappoint.  Learning to say no is hard but worth the effort.  Many of the professionals I have helped wished they had not taken on certain clients.  The client doesn’t take their advice, questions the bill, isn’t responsive; no matter how much they do for the client, it is never enough.

Invariably there were red flags early on.  If the professional had declined to take on the client, they would have saved themselves a lot of aggravation.

The first step is to recognize the fear that motivates you to accept a client who is not a good fit.  You may be afraid of not reaching your financial goals, displeasing a referral source or partner or rejecting a person who needs your services.  You may not feel confident that you will find another client.

When you say “No” to what isn’t right for you, you are being true to yourself. Your work and relationships will be less stressful and more fulfilling.

Tips for learning how to say “No”:

First Feel, Second Solve:  Acknowledge how you are feeling first before you start solving the problem

Pay Attention to Tension:  Listen to your body and any Fear Based Thoughts going through your mind.

Listen to your Gut: What is your Gut or intuition telling you?

The Power of The Pause:  Give yourself some space to step back and settle in with yourself.  You don’t have to make a decision right now.  Almost all decisions can be made later.  Don’t pressure yourself or allow someone else to pressure you.

Positive Sandwich Tool:  Start from the heart, insert the difficult message, end with the heart.  Say something positive before you say “No”.  Say “No” kindly and in no more than two or three sentences.   Follow up with a positive statement or observation.

I’d be happy to help you become comfortable saying NO!




Contact me for a 30-minute complimentary phone consultation

Blog post written by Margo Geller and Debra Livingston

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