Unique Qualifying Questions

Qualifying Questions ImageIn my professional counseling and coaching business, almost all my clients have struggled with client selection.  What tempts you to take on a client when you know down deep it isn’t a good fit?  You may be tempted to take the wrong client for “good” reasons.  Business may be slow, someone you like referred them to you or they pulled on your heartstrings.  The only problem with working with the wrong people is it doesn’t work!   You get frustrated and so do they.   You have set what you thought are realistic expectations, but your client wants more and more.   It’s an endless request for special favors or they are constantly complaining.   Many times either you or the client quits or gets fired.

My qualifying questions provide a system for screening prospective clients and choosing those who are a good fit.  These questions provide a format for gathering the pertinent information needed to determine if it is in my best interest to work with a prospective client.  When the fit is right, I have a win-win.  It is easier to get it right from the start than to either endure or extricate myself down the road.

Here are a few examples of My Qualifying Questions:

1.  What made you reach out for help, right now? Almost always something has happened within 24 hours prior to calling. I use this question to assess the client’s level of need and motivation to begin the work as opposed to someone who is just gathering information.

2.  What was the trigger that caused you to call me?  Did something in your life go from bad to worse? It usually involves a relationship (boss, business partner, colleague, client, spouse…). The answer to this question often gives me important information that the client might otherwise not share.

3.  What type of professionals have you hired previously? Some professionals do the work for you (accountants, investment advisors, massage therapists) and others advise and guide (nutritionist, coach, personal trainer, therapist).  Clients who have worked with other advise/guide professionals are more likely to be receptive to my guidance.

4.  On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being very ready and motivated to begin working towards your goal, what number are you? Someone who places themselves below 6 on this scale is not ready to do the work required to get great results.

Working with the wrong client isn’t fulfilling and definitely not fun.  You may not get it right every time, but you can ensure a higher success rate with a set of Qualifying Questions.

I can help you develop Qualifying Questions that are unique to your profession and business practice.

Please contact me at MarGO@margogeller.com or 404-218-4559

My first consultation is free!

Blog post written by Margo Geller and Debra Livingston

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