Expressing Emotions With Emoticons

Social media has cleverly created a new way to communicate emotions. They are called Emoticons.  I’m sure you have seen them and used them many, many times.  Their popularity has increased exponentially over the past few years.  An Emoticon is used in a digital message or text to convey the writer’s emotions.  Common ones include a smiley or sad face, hearts, tears or thumb up or down.

There is nothing wrong with using emoticons and it’s important to know the unintended negative consequences.  When we first started using emoticons it was fun and a good way to be funny.  That is still true.  The only problem is when you substitute icons for words or face-to-face expression of how you feel.   Sometimes the most important emotions to share in-person are the ones you share with an emoticon.   I’m referring to an emotion you feel scared to share because you don’t want to feel vulnerable.

When you avoid telling someone that what they did or said made you feel bad, you are blocking an opportunity for a closer emotional connection.  The same applies for a positive emotion where something or someone makes you feel good.  You don’t want to feel too vulnerable and that is okay.  Take it slowly by saying something softly or start with an easier emotion.  Doing what is hard to do is empowering.  Meaningful relationships are built by being open, honest and courageous.

My suggestion is to swim against the tide and away from the overuse of emoticons.  Be mindful of when you are using an emoticon from a fearful place.  Don’t do it!  Commit to pushing past your fears, so you can experience more happiness and fulfillment.

Margo Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Life, Business and Career Coach


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