Over and Under Spending

I find money to be endlessly fascinating.  As a Life, Business and Career Coach, I help my clients make difficult decisions.  Most of these decisions revolve around money in one way or another.  Making better financial decisions is critical to personal and professional satisfaction and success!

Whether you are an over or under spender there is a price to pay.  It’s important to understand your money story in order to become a healthier spender.  Think about the messages you received about money during your childhood.  This is where it all begins.

Money represents many different things.  It is closely connected to a sense of control.  It is a power tool.  It helps you have (or not have) more of what you want.  An over and under spender feel stressed for different reasons.  Over time over spending reduces peace of mind.  Under-spenders stress or worry about money more then they need to.  Both behaviors hinder happiness!

When you are ready to make a change, you will do what is hard to do.  You will push past your emotional obstacles.  It takes fierce determination to change your money behavior.  Your brain wiring has to be unraveled and this takes time.

Healthy spending requires knowing how much money you have.  I encourage my clients to have a financial planner or financial coach who can help them stay focused on their financial and life goals.   You need to know what you can spend monthly to maintain the lifestyle you desire short and long term.

Smart spending is something to strive for.  Making a change requires commitment and continual patience.  Be easy on yourself and celebrate your small successes.

Margo Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Life, Business and Career Coach



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