Comparing Yourself To Others


As a Licensed Counselor and Business Coach, I continually hear my clients comparing themselves to others. Franklin Roosevelt wrote that Comparison is the Thief of Joy. Many others have written and talked about why comparing is not a good thing.   Seems like Rule #1 on How to Be Happier is to “Stop Comparing Yourself With Others.” You know that when you compare yourself to others you will almost always feel worse. They are smarter, funnier, prettier or kinder. They are awesome and you aren’t.

It is much easier to be successful and feel fulfilled when you don’t worry about what others are doing. Comparing is a negative distraction that leads to unnecessary pain and suffering.   As a business owner or professional you know this to be true and yet you still do it. Why? What is getting in your way?

It’s been drummed into us that we are all different and unique individuals, yet we get derailed by believing that we should have our strengths and their strengths too. Hey, wait a minute… that is not possible. It is like dreaming the impossible dream.

Change is hard and emotional pain is difficult to manage without help.   Try answering these questions to be sure you are ready to overcome comparing yourself to others.


  1. Why is it important to you to stop comparing yourself to others?
  2. What are the common obstacles (thoughts, feelings) that get in your way?
  3. What helps you make important and difficult changes in your life?
  4. How will you decide if you need outside (professional) help and support?
  5. Who will you contact in your network if you decide to get help?


Reading self-help books, attending workshops and seminars, and talking to friends and family can be very helpful. Individual coaching or counseling is something to consider if you find yourself not making the progress you desire.


Margo Geller, LCSW – Personal Business Coach and Licensed Counselor

Call me for a complimentary consultation.  I’d love to help you!


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