Expect the Unexpected

The unexpected happens in business and in life.  Sometimes the unexpected can be exhilarating and exciting.  You get a big bonus or referral of a new client.  Someone gives you tickets to a play or sporting event.  You meet someone special at a social event.  Other times the unexpected can be stressful, frustrating or disappointing.  Business appointments get cancelled, airfares go up, traffic delays you or the person you planned to meet, clients get sick or you double book yourself by mistake.

When the unexpected leads to feelings of sadness, frustration or anger, you need a strategy for managing these difficult feelings.  How do you emotionally integrate a disappointing experience?

Four Essential Emotions Management Tips

  1. Acknowledge and Accept Your Feelings:  I am disappointed, angry, frustrated, irritated…
  2. Express Your Feelings verbally (to yourself or confidant) or in writing
  3. Re-Center taking three slow deep breaths
  4. Refocus on The Opportunities  provided by the unexpected event

As you practice using these tips, you will notice how much better you feel.  Sometimes it is hard to do by yourself.  This is where a good counselor and coach can be invaluable as a guide and facilitator.  Hold yourself accountable to these four tips and you will be glad you did.  You may even notice that your perspective changes and you begin to see unexpected events as an adventurous part of life.

Margo Geller, LCSW – Licensed Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach

Call me for a complimentary consultation.  I’d love to help you!


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