Raising Your Rate… What Are You Waiting For?

Raising Your Rate or Asking For A Raise is almost always a challenging task.  As a Business and Career Coach it’s something I help my clients do.  I’m lucky because I love helping people Get Paid Based On… THE VALUE THEY DELIVER!

Why is raising your rate or asking for a raise so difficult?  You  put it off and find unending reasons to not do it because it’s scary and that applies to women and men too.     

You don’t ask because… You are afraid of…

  • Feeling bad due to a negative response. 
  • Asking for the wrong amount (too much or too little)
  • Not doing the ask gracefully

What are you waiting for?

  • The perfect moment… Hint: It doesn’t exist!
  • Knowing the perfect amount to ask for… Hint: It doesn’t exist!
  • Feeling even worse about being underpaid.  Hint:  That’s crazy!

Why you want to stop waiting and Just Do It!!!

  • You’ll feel relieved to have done it, even if you don’t get the response you hoped for.
  • Usually you will get something more, even if it’s not exactly what you asked for. 
  • You may not get it right away, but you have planted a seed!
  • Asking for more money is a big confidence booster. 

My clients want to get back to feeling good again.   If they are underpaid, I prioritize a raise or raising their rates along with helping them get clear about what will make them happier at work and in their personal life.  

Even knowing they are being paid lower than market rate, clients will resist asking for more money.  WHY?

  • It takes courage or a willingness to do what is hard to do.  
  • Most people choose comfort over discomfort especially if they don’t have someone like me “gently” pushing (with their permission!) and supporting them through the process.  
  • Rationalization is a powerful defense.  It’s easy to justify something and convince yourself it’s the best option.  


  1. I introduce the possibility of asking for more compensation. I’m very aware of the emotional part and know it takes time to get comfortable with the suggestion and then with doing it!
  2. As we focus on how much value they are providing it upsets them  and then they are are willing to “consider” asking for more money.  
  3. We review their job description or responsibilities.  Are they doing  more than they were hired to do?  Have they learned something new?  Have they had good to excellent performance reviews? 
  4. We look at any additional value they are providing, such as being a terrific team player or always being willing to stay late due to an urgent deadline on an important project.
  5. My clients do their due diligence in terms of researching market rates and comparing as close as possible apples to apples!
  6. They practice “the difficult conversation” with me till they feel confident.  I help them use “The Power of The Pause” after they say what they want.  It’s always a range.   

It feels good knowing that my clients get a significant R.O. I or return on investment.  Their increase in income almost always exceeds what they pay for my services and that doesn’t include their increase in happiness!

Cheers to calm and confident! 


Professional Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach


MargoGeller @Gmail.com


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