Harness the Power of Unhappiness

Power of Unhappiness

We know when we are unhappy and though it does not feel good, it is not all bad.  Unhappiness is opportunity knocking.

Unhappiness has a variety of faces.  It can feel like having less energy, being more irritable, not enjoying what used to lift your spirits or warm your heart, ruminating in negative thoughts, feeling anxious, fearful, stuck, defeated, hopeless, unsure, withdrawn, powerless, sad.

If you experience unhappiness, it does not work to ignore the burden you are carrying.  It does not work to try to convince yourself that you have nothing to be unhappy about.  All of your feelings are valid.  Speaking your truth in a non-judgmental, supportive environment is key.  You must feel safe enough to risk sharing your burden.  The only way out is through.

Many of my personal and business development coaching clients experience a crisis of confidence and anxiety about their ability to succeed in their profession or business.  I help them identify and acknowledge the source of their unhappiness.  Verbalizing their feelings and sharing them with me brings a sense of relief and release.  So much energy is wasted trying to move forward when you are dragging a heavy heart.   Being released from feeling scared and stuck allows for better problem solving, more creative solutions, renewed energy and hope.

As an expert in emotions management, I understand the power of negative feelings and the potential they offer for creating a more fulfilling life.  I am passionate about helping people manage and move through these dark emotions.  Wherever there is darkness, there is also light.




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