Journaling: A Business Development Tool

Feeling Journal

A Feelings Journal is a good tool for gaining greater insight and control over the emotions which impact your business development decisions.

We all know that emotionally based decisions do not lead to the best results.  Writing is a safe way to explore, express and process these emotions.  A Feelings Journal can help you focus on and identify

the conditions under which you feel good or bad and help you to see the patterns in your emotional life.

Your Journal can be handwritten or typed.  Pick the method you are most likely to keep up.

Try to write every day, even if it is just a few notes to yourself.  Think about the day before, if you journal in the morning, or that day, if you write in the evening.  Remember a specific situation where you felt good or bad.  Who was there?  Where were you?  What were you doing? Were you alone or with others? What specifically made you feel good or bad?  Was it because you had a great collaboration with a colleague?  Was it because your team pulled together during a stressful time? Was feeling bad due to experiencing judgment, criticism or failure?

Seeing your emotional life in print will help you start making different choices.  For example, you may choose to minimize time with people you don’t feel good around and maximize the feel good situations in your life.   You might notice that you feel good when interacting with clients but not with co-workers or vice versa. Both your unconscious and conscious mind can work together to steer you towards those people, activities and environments that improve your sense of well-being and satisfaction in your business and personal life.


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