Why It’s Good To Feel Bad

It is Good To Feel Bad.  I know that sounds crazy, but I promise it isn’t.  Feeling bad gives you an opportunity to grow.  People and Businesses grow because they are willing to be uncomfortable.  Success requires living outside your comfort zone.  “No Pain, No Gain” refers to emotional pain.

Transitions stir up feelings.  They aren’t easy.  When you start the process you have no idea where you will end up.  You feel excited and scared or good and bad!  Your fears come from a negative thought or negative prediction.  These thoughts are not the truth.  Your bad feelings motivate you to seek a reality check.

As a Licensed Counselor, Business and Career Coach I work with people who are motivated by continued success.  When an unexpected “bad” thing happens it’s hard for them to maintain their emotional balance.  It’s unfortunate when they don’t reach out for help.  Having a safe person and place to share difficult emotions or “bad” feelings makes all the difference.

I’ve learned over and over the benefits from feeling bad.  I was quite depressed as a teenager.  Others had no idea how bad I felt because I “acted” like I was fine.  My parents knew I needed help.  I’m grateful for the counselor who helped me understand that feeling bad is part of being human.  There was no shame or embarrassment.

It’s natural to avoid feeling bad.  The problem is that it is impossible.  Feelings are Facts.  They are what they are and that’s just the way it is.  Commit to getting your bad feelings (anger, sadness…) out as soon as you can.  Get help if you need it.  Realize the good side of feeling bad.

Bad feelings are part of life.  Embrace them so you can grow and have more of what makes you happy.  I’m hoping to change the way the world views “bad” feelings.  Please share this with your friends.  Thank-you!

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Life, Business and Career Coach




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