What is the difference between an emotion and a feeling?  People confuse them all the time.  For years I thought they were basically the same thing.  Now I know they aren’t.  In fact the differences are quite significant and important to understand.

Emotions equal body sensations and thoughts.  They are an intense reaction to an external event and don’t last long.  They are manageable.  As a Licensed Counselor and Business Coach I help people manage their emotions and experience a deeper connection to their feelings.

Feelings are internal and connect you to your authentic self.  They provide purpose and meaning.   If you block your feelings you can’t be fully you.  Feelings are your gut instincts, intuition and inner compass.  They are less intense and long lasting.  Feelings flow out of emotions.

Let me Explain with An Example!

External Event: A client threatens to leave.  They express dissatisfaction with your work.  Your heart starts racing and you fear (Emotion) losing them.  You work yourself into a tizzy with negative thoughts and predictions.   You are angry (Emotion).  Your experience is intense and time limited.

Internal Reaction: Is where your Feelings lie.  The relationship with your client is connected to purpose and meaning.  There is a Feeling of love or caring for your client.  You also feel depressed (a Feeling).  Compared to an emotion the intensity is lower and will last longer.

Common Emotions:  Joy, Fear, Enthusiasm, Anger, Lust, Sadness

Common Feelings:  Happiness, Contentment, Depression, Love, Worry

Managing emotions requires you to pay attention to your body and thoughts.  Focus on relaxing the tension in your body and redirecting your thoughts towards a positive possibility.  Prepare for more emotional balance by being committed to staying calm and centered.

“Feelings are Facts!”  You can’t change them or make them go away.   They are part of you and need to be nurtured.  Meditating or being alone in a silent space can help you connect to your feelings.  Notice how much better you feel when you make room for your feelings.

Right now, I’m feeling joy (Emotion) in finally writing about the difference between emotions and feelings.  It won’t last long, but that’s okay J

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach




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