Dealing with Deal Breakers in Business and Life!

Whether you are looking for more clients, a new career, or a life partner you need to know your Deal Breakers!  Then you need determination and discipline.  You know what you want and it’s realistic. Later you ignore these important deal breakers.  Why?

A deal breaker is something you are unable or unwilling to tolerate.  They are different for everyone. It depends on the criteria or circumstances that are deemed important to an individual.  Be careful to not be too rigid.

Why do you say something is a deal breaker and then ignore it? How can you stop doing this? You have to be willing to withstand some discomfort. Telling someone they aren’t the right fit is hard for the teller and receiver.  It is human nature to avoid hurting someone.

Sometimes so-called deal breakers change due to other unexpected experiences.  An example is saying you would never hire someone who lives out of town.  Later you find a great candidate and decide it’s worth it and are willing to give it a try.  Successful people are flexible!

Tips for Dealing with Deal Breakers:

  1. Acknowledge and accept the deal breaker.
  2. Make room for your feelings!
  3. Come up with a plan for dealing with it.
  4. Discuss the plan with all parties involved.
  5. Set realistic expectations for change.
  6. Monitor progress
  7. Evaluate at an agreed upon time.

You hire someone to help you achieve your goals. During the interviewing period there is no way of knowing they always run late. It’s common to display best behavior in the beginning. Soon the “bad habit” shows up and negatively impacts your business. What does this employer need to do? See above tips!

If you need help creating an Ideal Client profile, please let me know.  I’d love to help you. Call me anytime!

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach


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