Why Worry?

As humans we worry.  We worry whether we want to or not.  It just happens.  Many believe that worrying is a waste of time.  I disagree. There is good worry and bad worry.  It’s important to know the difference.

Good worry is present focused and action oriented.  When an exam or deadline is approaching and you aren’t prepared you worry.  Worrying propels you to take action now! It works like adrenaline.

Bad worry is future focused.  You focus or obsess on a negative outcome. It gives you a false sense of security or knowing.  In reality most bad worries don’t happen.  Future-focused worrying weakens personal power and is de-energizing.   It is worse then a waste of time.

What I’ve learned about worrying (from personal experiences)

  1. It makes me feel bad
  2. It expands (feel worse) as I give it more attention
  3. It diverts me from the “real” issue (loss of control or power)
  4. I can stop it by refocusing on something I can control
  5. I can handle whatever “bad” outcome occurs (it’s never as bad as I imagined)
  6. It can be motivating and energizing (“good” worry)
  7. It’s an opportunity for personal growth!

You worry about your career choice, business, family and friends.   Smart self-care for worrying requires quieting your mind.  Try exercising, mindful breathing, or working on a project.  Express a positive thought to balance each negative thought.  Let me know how you feel… better, worse or the same?  I bet it is better J

MarGO Geller, LCSW, CRC

Licensed Counselor and Personal, Business, Career Coach




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