What Do You Want?

If you don’t know what you want you won’t get it.  I bet you have heard that before.  It isn’t easy to know what you want.  Even if you know it may not be what you really want. Just because we think it’s true doesn’t mean it is.

As a Licensed Counselor, Career, Business and Life Coach, I help professionals and business owners figure out what they really want and then go for it!  It may be different then they thought, somewhat similar or sometimes the same.

During the discovery process it’s important to listen to your heart as well as your head.  Your intuition is your best resource.  Acknowledge what feels scary to share?  It’s probably something you fear being judged for. Find someone you trust to talk to.

I’ve learned from personal and professional experiences that pushing past your fears will expand your life like nothing else.  Knowing what you want is not nearly as hard as fighting your fears.  If you need extra support then get it!

What Do You Want?  Questions To Ask Yourself…

  1. Why is this important to you?  Why now?
  2. How motivated are you to have it?  On a scale of 1-10 with ten being very motivated.
  3. What would an Ideal _______________ be like?  It could be a job, business, relationship, retirement, place to live…
  4. What do you like about your current or past ___________?  Build from the positives.
  5. What do you fantasize or dream about regarding what you want?  Include as much detail as possible.
  6. Who can help you get what you want?  Friends, family, professional advisors…
  7. What can you do on your own?  Research on the internet, journaling…

We all have wants.  When you want something badly enough you will find a way to get it.  You won’t give up when the going gets rough.  You will experience dead ends and disappointments and then get back to work!

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Life, Business, Career Coach




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