Opra talks about motivation and success! She says you need to “really, really, really” want to make a change. Even with a high level of motivation, making a change is not emotionally easy. I believe the hardest hurdle is managing your negative predictions and fear of the unknown.
My “Are we a good fit?” Complimentary Consultation is mostly about assessing motivation. Are you “really, Really, REALLY!” ready to make a change? What happened that now you are ready? Most people don’t seek help at the first signs of stress. I use a 1-10 scale, with 10 being very motivated. You need to score seven or higher!
My clients want to feel better. They are not as happy as they want to be in their work life and usually personal life as well. As we know, one area of your life impacts all other areas. It can also be called the mind, body and spirit connection or interconnectedness!
How do you determine your readiness for making a change?
Sometimes you only know by trying. If you don’t make progress then you probably aren’t ready. People get more motivated after something significantly hurtful happens. Another reason is you don’t have enough support.
Are you ready to initiate a challenging change? Consider asking yourself these questions…
- Am I fully sick and tired of feeling frustrated or unhappy?
- What past success to I have to draw from that will support me through another life change?
- What’s going on in other areas of my life? If you’re in the middle of a big life transition (new baby, divorce, death of loved one) then definitely don’t add another big change.
- How will my life be better once I make this important change?
- Who are the people I can count on to support me when the going gets rough?
- Do I have the necessary resources (time, money and energy) to get me though the whole process.
- Am I open to Hiring a Life or Business Coach?
It’s okay to not be ready or motivated enough. That will most likely change and when it does, I hope you will let me know. I love to help “very” motivated people have a better life than they ever imagined was possible.
I’m ready when you are!!!
Margo Geller, MS, MSW, CRC
Professional Counselor and Business and Life Coach
MargoGeller @Gmail.com
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