Love and Business: Find your Happy Place

As a business coach and counselor, I work at the intersection of psychology and business. I’ve learned that love is the most important word in business. The other is fun! You really can’t have one without the other. A business owner’s love life is determined by the degree they do what they love and love what they do! The other part is the people side. It is critical for personal and work satisfaction to love and feel loved by your clients, customers, colleagues and other important people in your life.

Love and business, like any relationship, doesn’t always last. It will definitely change over time and needs nurturing to remain active and alive! Reminds me of the saying… “Relationships happen for a reason, a season or a lifetime.” You aren’t likely to know the outcome in the beginning and actually it would be impossible to know for sure. As an entrepreneur, I regularly refer to life as an adventure!

If you pay attention and are present with yourself, you will notice when love starts to fade or go away at work, in a friendship or with a favorite activity. It takes courage to acknowledge and accept this reality and even more courage to create a parting plan. I wrote an article called “The Power of Parting” and it is on my website. Check it out for an easier way to say goodbye or break-up. It may take many moments of “not” feeling the love to know it is finally time to leave and leverage the experience. By leveraging, I take the perspective that a crisis or difficult conversation presents a challenge that once conquered leads to a huge increase in confidence. This new confidence will lead to more love in your life.

Once you have experienced the exhilaration of loving your work life, you won’t want to settle for less. If you have never had a work “love life” you may be motivated to have it for the first time. It’s never too late! My friend and colleague Judi Knight has “It’s never too late” as her tagline. It is so perfect. Judi is a brilliant businesswoman and is incredibly innovative and creative with words and design. Learn more about her business at

Prepare to fall in love and you will! Take action today! Go to “Work with MarGO” on my website and schedule a complementary consultation.

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