How to Handle an Unexpected Rejection when Interviewing and Dating

I bet this has happened to you.  A potential client, employer, friend, boy or girlfriend seems interested in you!  You feel great.  Excitement and adrenaline are in abundance.  It’s tempting to project a positive outcome.  Sometimes this occurs and other times it doesn’t.  When it doesn’t you are upset.  Naturally!

It’s not uncommon for someone to stop showing signs of being interested.  Initially you’re confused and definitely disappointed.  What happened you ask yourself?  Did I do or say something that made them lose interest?  I wish I knew what it was. 

You will usually get an answer but never all the reasons why.  Sometimes it’s hard to put into words.  It’s just not the right fit.  If it’s not right for them it’s not right for you!  What matters is you learn from the experience.  What do you need to change to increase your chance of success? How can you become happier in general. 

Not being selected means you have to get back out there.  The searching process is emotionally challenging.  You don’t want to be foolishly persistent or patient.  Make sure you know where your best opportunities lie.  Fish for a trout in a trout pond not the ocean!  Save time and feel less stressed when you work with a niche recruiter, matchmaker or coach!  It’s important to pick the right one.  Check out a few.  Take your time. 

The advice I give is to…

  1. Acknowledge your disappointment rather than denying or avoiding it. 
  2. Do something you know will make you feel better 
  3. Take a short break from looking
  4. Review your Ideal (client, job, friend, mate, partner…) Profile
  5. Start looking again with greater clarity, refreshed energy and a positive outlook  
  6. Tell potential referral sources you’re looking for introductions
  7. Be proactive and follow up!

Interviewing or dating is about gathering information.  Both people need to have an Ideal Profile to work off of.  How close is your potential ________  to your Ideal Profile.  I suggest “7-10” on a 1-10 scale.  Know your must haves and deal breakers.  It’s best to take it slowly.  “Hire slow, Fire fast” If it’s not right then with kindness stop the process and wish them success in their search and all the best.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Business, Career and Dating Coach, Professional Counselor

Text: 404-218-4559


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