Fully Activate Your Network

I am giving you the magic keys to fully activate your network. Now it is up to you to take the next steps. Let me know how it goes for you. What is easy what is hard?  What causes you to say, “But Margo…….”


•    Your current and potential ideal clients
•    Your current and potential ideal referral/introduction sources
•    Your personal “love” club

Give “ideals” the Three A’s (attention, affection and appreciation)

•    Do something that will be fun or helpful for both of you
•    Call to see how they are doing
•    Acknowledge their integrity, hard work, help and support…

Come Bearing Intangible Gifts

•    Referrals or introductions to potential “ideals” (could even be a date!)
•    Offer support during a difficult time like a death in the family, significant surgery, divorce …
•    Attend a milestone event like a graduation, wedding, baby naming, awards ceremony

Watch What You Say and How You Say It

•    Tell positive stories with passion, featuring your ideal profiles
•    Tell a business or personal success story to answer the question “How was your day?” Don’t complain or be negative.
•    Be aware of your nonverbal communication (tone of voice, facial expression, eye contact). Communication is 93% nonverbal.

Don’t Grope in the Dark (Network with a purpose)

•    Research events or activities before you decide to go or participate
•    Focus on your “7-10’s” or ideal profiles
•    Use your best resources (friends/family, recreational activity, outfit) to create an enjoyable and successful experience. Be careful about only talking to those you know.

Invest In Your Community

•    Get involved with a non-profit, association or organization
•    Use your greatest talent
•    Take a leadership role

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