Follow-up, Follow Up, Follow-Up

Many times I feel like a broken record.  I say what I want to sink in over and over.  Repetition is powerful!  I am a Big Believer in Follow-Up!  It is vitally important and sets you up for faster and easier Business and Career success!

In real estate they say… “the three most important things are location, location, location!” In business and building better relationships, it’s about Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up!  The key component is called CARING!  By checking in with someone or sending them what you said you would send shows that you care.

1.  When do you do it?  2.  How often?  3.  What do you say or do?

#1.  When you have something specific to share or at a regularly scheduled time.  I prefer to do follow up on Friday and Monday afternoons.  Many professionals leave anchor days free for back office work.  They schedule in-person meetings during the middle of the week. 

I read many different business and psychology publications.  When I come across a useful article for a specific client, colleague or prospect I send it right away.  This type of follow up let’s them know I Care, are thinking about them and enjoy helping!

#2.  How often depends on the person and whether or not they are Ideal  or a “7-10” in my lingo!  I rate relationships on a 1-10 scale with ten being the best!  Hopefully you are working towards only having 7-10’s in your life.  Remember the 80/20 rule and focus on who is most valuable to you.  Once every month or two is what I recommend. 

#3.  Start by asking how they are doing?  If there was a birth, death or special celebration be sure to ask about it.  Your main goal is to show interest and caring!  Follow up by sending an email, card (birthday or anniversary) via snail mail or just pick up the phone and call them.  Leave a voice message if necessary and follow up with an email!

I really mean it when I say that Follow Up is so, so, so important.  In business it is essential for success!  Make it fun and do it from a place of  wanting them to know you care.     

I’d love to help you or someone you know who is not enjoying their work as much as they want to.   It’s easy to reach me.  Please fill out the contact form on my website!

With much caring,


Margo Geller, MS, MSW, CRC

Professional Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach



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