How to Fast Forward Out of A Funk

What is a funk?  For me it means I’m in a bad mood or have a bad case of the blahs!  Nothing feels particularly good or pleasurable.  A funk involves feelings of frustration, emptiness and disconnection.  When are you likely to get into a funk?  More important is how do you get out of it?

There are many reasons why you get into a funk.  It can happen after a disappointment or a big accomplishment.  Experiencing a series of setbacks or coming down off the high of a huge achievement puts you at risk for a funk.   A long lasting funk may lead to depression.   It’s important to take action towards getting out of a funk as fast as you can.     

A Potential Client may be clinically depressed or anxious, but usually they are in a mild to moderate funk.  It’s been way too long since they felt good at work.  Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, self employed professional or employee you will hit rough spots along the road.  Each rough spot puts you at risk for going into a funk.  

How to Fast Forward Out of A Funk…

  1. Catch it as fast as you can.  Pay attention to signs of stress.  Are you having more negative thoughts?  How does your body feel?  Do you have a headache, tense shoulders, back or neck pain?
  2. Do something fun or helps you relax and calm your mind.
  3. Spend time with someone who has a positive spirit and brings out the best in you. 
  4. Distract yourself with an engaging movie, engrossing book, or something that elicits an emotional response.  
  5. Change your environment.  Take a trip to the mountains or beach.  Go for a hike or walk in the woods.  Get out of your house or office!    

A funk happens for many reasons.  You don’t have to understand all of them to get out of it.  Use it as a tool for learning and improving.  If a funk is like a “mini” crisis then it’s also an opportunity!

Be nicer, kinder and more loving towards yourself.  It always helps at least a little bit :-).    

Cheers to Personal and Professional Success!


Margo Geller, MS, MSW, CRC

Professional Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach



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