Crazy About Love

My favorite word is love.  I’m Crazy About Love!  I want to hear it from my clients and those I care about.  My other favorite word is fun.  When clients say they had fun I’m all over it.  Tell me why it was fun.  Love and Fun help you have a happier and more fulfilling life.  Make them a priority!

When we experience love it can make us feel crazy (in a good way).  You have heard of being crazy in love.  This refers to romantic love.  At work love is less likely to make you feel crazy, although there are exceptions. Have you ever felt amazed by what you accomplished?  You may not show it but inside you feel all stirred up.  Sounds like love to me J

You aren’t happy at work or more specifically in your Job, Career or Business.  Love is gone or it was never there.  Your energy is extremely low and you long for a better work life.  It’s hard to know where to start. The path out of unhappy seems impossible to find.  You have choices and yet you aren’t seeing them.

Five Facts about Finding a Job or Career You Love

  1. Everyone can find something they love doing.
  2. It takes time to get a clear picture of what to pursue.
  3. Not the time to DIY!  Hire a “good” career coach.
  4. The journey will be both invigorating and challenging.
  5. It’s easy to get discouraged.  Emotional support is essential.

Finding love in work life is a worthy goal.  Be prepared to ride the waves of emotion that come with challenge and change.  You will grow personally and professionally.  There is no downside.  It’s all good!

I love what I do and have lots of fun every day.  My “love boat” has plenty of room in it.  Come join me.  Happy to help you climb on board!

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach


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