How To Bring Out The Best In Others

Bringing out the best in others is something I naturally do.  A client many years ago wrote a testimonial… “Margo sees the best in others and helps them see it too!”  Made me feel really good.  Then I thought, how do I actually do it?  After much thought, this is what I came up with…

  1. I pay close attention to people’s passions, personality, talents and what  makes them feel good or bad.
  2. I readily share my observations about what I believe you are good at and love doing or what makes you unique or exemplary in my eyes.
  3.  I know that everyone has something they are good at (and love doing) even if they have no idea what it is.  It’s my job to help you discover what it is 🙂
  4.  I love collaborative and creative problem solving.
  5. I’m extremely attentive as a listener, as I know that communication is  7% verbal and 93% non-verbal.
  6. I pay close attention to facial and body language as well as tone of voice.
  7. I easily sense what someone is feeling and am comfortable with all feelings including negative ones like anger.
  8. I’m genuinely enthusiastic, positive, high energy and loving.
  9. I’m passionate about helping people feel good about themselves.

Most people don’t realize the full extent of their greatness.  They focus on a weakness rather than their many strengths.  When something disappointing or upsetting happens they lose sight of all the good things or success that came before and will almost certainly come after.

Example:  Several client’s businesses were steadily growing when the stock market dropped significantly.  They went from feeling very successful and confident about their future to totally freaked out and disconnected from their greatness.

When your business takes a financial hit it doesn’t mean you are less valuable or less capable of doing great work.  What it does mean is you feel bad and need to make plenty of room for your feelings before focusing on solutions.

There are always new possibilities and opportunities to consider.  After expressing your negative feelings (in a healthy way) you are able to think more clearly and come up with better solutions.  “First Feel, Second Solve” is an amazing tool for bringing out the best in yourself and others.

Cheers to Better and Better!


Professional Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach



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