Asking For Help

Why can it be so hard to ask for help?  For me I fear making an unreasonable request.  I think they are too busy and would rather be doing something else.  Whether they say no or yes I feel bad.  This is a no win situation and luckily I’ve made progress!

When they say yes, I wonder if they really want to do it.  They are probably a pleaser or caretaker.  When they say no, I feel worse.  “What was I thinking?” “I should have known they couldn’t or wouldn’t help me” “What’s wrong with me?”  No self-love going on here!

As a Personal and Business Coach, I know that successful professionals and business owners  understand the benefits of asking for and getting help.  When a problem arises they turn to experts and then enjoy the return on their investment!

An Example:

I was giving a presentation the following week and wanted to refer to my website.  It was ready to launch except for my bio.  I had a mental block about my bio.  When I asked a friend (and professional writer) to help me it made a big difference.  She did it quickly and it was much better.

Why is it easy for some people to ask for help?  I believe it comes from childhood role models and mentors.  It also has to do with personality and confidence.  An extrovert will find it easier to ask for help since they enjoy engaging with people.  Confidence helps with everything!

Think about something you can’t do or can’t do very well by yourself.  Challenge yourself to Ask for Help!  Start with someone you sense will say yes.  They enjoy helping and have what it takes to solve your problem.  Make the request clear and concise.  Think short and sweet!

It is extremely empowering and exhilarating to do something you dread doing.  Navigating emotional obstacles requires self-awareness and sometimes professional help too.  Consider hiring a counselor if you can’t get past your fears or frustrations by yourself J

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Business, Career and Life Coach


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