In Business and Life, there is a phenomenon called Over-Functioning. It involves doing more than is necessary, more than is appropriate and more than is healthy. Take note when you feel exhausted and possibly even resentful. This is a common experience for someone who over functions.
In most relationships one person over-functions and the other under-functions. An imbalance in power will persist in your personal and work relationships until you proactively do something about it.
More In-Depth Definitions:
Overfunctioners are quick to act. They enjoy taking control. Sometimes it’s unconscious or they aren’t aware they are doing it. Attacking the to-do list has become a way of life.
Underfunctioners on the other hand, tend to hold back and are laid back. They wait for others to manage things for them. They are less likely to be concerned about their under functioning and certainly less frustrated by this behavior.
How to Decrease Over-Functioning behavior…
- For one week commit to stop doing so much and watch how that feels
- Acknowledge what you fear the most (it won’t get done!)
- Get support and accountability from friends, colleagues or possibly a professional counselor or coach.
- Make balance and fulfillment your priority
How to Motivate an Under-Functioning person to do more…
- Talk or speak up about what doesn’t feel good. I’m primarily directing this tip to those who tend to over function.
2. Take baby steps to change your behavior. Start small with one thing you will stop doing and ASK the other person to do it. Make it something they can do pretty easily.
3. Treat this issue like any other. Reflect on where it came from. Connect to compassion and know that change is possible. We learn to over or under function from parents, siblings and others we observed. I believe energy levels and personality play a part as well.
I’m an over-functioning person and so are most of my clients. They say that like attracts like! I’ve worked on it and am pleased with my improvement. I can now say that my business and personal relationships are much more fulfilling and fun!
Happy Leap Year!
Professional Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach