Your Emotional Wellness

What is “Emotional Wellness”?  Why is it important?  How do you become emotionally healthier? I’ve been interested in emotional wellness forever!  I’m a Licensed Counselor and some say I’m an emotions management expert!

At the University of Illinois wellness center they define Emotional Wellness as…

“Emotionally well people are able to express feelings freely and manage feelings effectively.  Emotional Wellness enables one to maintain satisfying relationships, deal with conflict and remain grounded during stressful times.”

To be emotionally well you need to pay attention and be aware of how you feel (good, bad or okay).   Use a “Feelings” Journal.   Write a short statement to support each feeling.  What were you doing?  Who were you with?  What specifically felt good or bad?

A “Success” Story:  A client felt bad about her business and marriage.  Her reason for seeing me was to decide if she should continue with her business and if so for how long.  As I listened and watched I knew she wasn’t connected to self-compassion.  Her negative self-talk had left her exhausted and extremely discouraged.  She was not emotionally well.

I helped her acknowledge and understand the negative impact of avoiding conflict and ignoring irritations and frustrations.   She had avoided conflicts with her business partner and husband for too long.  Calmly and kindly sharing her feelings led to successful “conflict resolving” conversations.   She is now enjoying her business and marriage more then ever!

Pay attention to your body, mind and spirit.   Acknowledge the truth of what is really going on. Accept your feelings without judgment.   Everybody experiences every type of feeling.  They may not admit it but they do, I promise J  Take care of your self in all areas of health and remember… Emotional Wellness is King or Queen!

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach


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