What is a healthy relationship?

Healthy Business Relationship

Healthy Business RelationshipWhat is a healthy relationship?  It begins with  selecting better people to surround yourself with.   The concept of “right fit” is different from a healthy relationship.  You may have the right people on your team, but those relationships aren’t going to necessarily be healthy.  Unhealthy relationships negatively impact productivity and profits.  It’s worth it to invest in professional help and ongoing support to help you learn how to build and maintain a healthier and happier relationship.


The requirements for a healthy relationship in business are very similar to a personal partnership or friendship.  Communication is key!  Compassion and Caring are Critical Components.  I believe that Authenticity and Acceptance are also important.  There will always be rough edges, problems to solve and difficult situations to deal with.  Differences and feelings (positive and negative) need to be acknowledged, accepted and integrated into the relationship.

Why is it so important in business & life to commit to building the healthiest and happiest relationships possible?  My philosophy about a good life is “It’s all about relationships, it’s all about love and it starts with you!”  This means that you can’t have a truly healthy relationship if you don’t love yourself or have a high level of self-esteem.  The definition of self-esteem from the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “a confidence and satisfaction in oneself: Self-Respect”


Counselors or therapists help people build and maintain their self-esteem and confidence.  These are essential ingredients for creating a healthier, happier and more successful work and personal life.  If you are a business owner, I highly recommend selecting a business coach who is also a counselor, psychotherapist or psychologist.  Focus on you first!  You are like the mom in your business, which means… “If Mom Isn’t Happy (or confident) Nobody’s Happy (or as happy as they could be)”

You can’t count on success or money to make your relationships healthier or your life happier.  On the other hand, you can count on the reverse!

Become healthier and happier and you will become more successful and probably make more money too!

For more information on increasing your confidence in business visit the Harvard Business Review.

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