Transition Anxiety!

Change is hard.  It causes you to feel anxious as you don’t know how it will work out.  Even if you have properly planned there are always things you can’t know ahead of time.  For me, what helps is thinking about it as an adventure! 

Anxiety about change and uncertainty will intensify as you get closer to the transition.   Some transition examples include… changing jobs, taking on a new role, retiring, relocating or moving, marriage or living together… You need strategies to help you cope. 

Seven Strategies:

1. **Acknowledge Your Feelings**: Recognize and accept your anxiety instead of denying it or acting like you are fine when you aren’t.  Don’t suppress it.  Change is somewhat scary for everyone! 

2. **Focus on What You Can Control**:  Identify aspects of the situation that you have control over and take proactive steps in those areas.  Let go of the things you cannot control and have the wisdom to know the difference!  Love the A.A. motto 😉

3. **Stay Present**: Practice mindfulness and centering techniques to keep yourself focused on the present moment rather than worrying about future uncertainties.  There is no way to know the future as you don’t have a crystal ball!

4. **Practice Self-Care**:  Exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, keep your social life active and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.  Do some yoga or try it!  I practice yoga regularly and can attest to how it helps relieve anxiety.  

5. **Seek Support**: Talk to friends, family, or a mental health professional about your feelings. Sharing your concerns can provide relief and offer new perspectives.  Remember that people love to help.  Don’t be afraid to ask for emotional support. These are your close friends and family.  All they need to do is listen.  

6. **Adopt a Positive Mindset**: Focus on positive outcomes and potential opportunities that change may bring, not all the negative possibilities, real and imagined!

7. **Learn and Adapt**:  View change as an opportunity for growth and learning.  Change is hard and takes courage.  Go slowly or one day at a time to prevent feeling flooded by fearful feelings.  Be open to all possibilities known and unknown, knowing you can pivot if or when the situation calls for it. 

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce your anxiety about change and uncertainty and build resilience for future challenges.  If you or someone you know wants more support, please let me know.  I’ve got room for a few more clients.  

Summer is almost here.  Let’s find ways to stay cool!


Margo Geller CSW, CRC

Professional Counselor

Life Coach (Personal and Work)

Text: 404-218-4559



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