Ever get down on yourself?  If you do then what I’m about to share will feel like you hit the self help jackpot!  I used to get down on myself all the time.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts I was a perfectionist and people pleaser as far back as I can remember.   It’s hard to give up getting down on yourself.  Like any bad habit… it’s hard to break.  

I spent years trying to quiet my mind and stop beating up on myself.  Once I discovered  “Stop It!” I was like a child who wants to keep playing with their new toy.  It was amazing how well it worked.

I learned about “Stop It!” from Bob Newhart’s video where he played a therapist working with a woman who was relentlessly negative towards herself and her life.  He said the session would be very short and then told her to STOP IT!  I laughed out loud till my ribs hurt.  If you are interested check it out… › watch

I immediately gave it a try and haven’t stopped saying “Stop It!” to myself since then.  This phrase is so simple and profound at the same time.   This is how it works… When that nagging negative statement or self critical comment is tormenting you say “Stop It!”  Sometimes I imagine putting up a Do Not Trespass sign that won’t allow the negative thoughts to enter.  Another phrase I often use is “Off Limits!” 

Why not try it?  This easy to use self help or de-stressing technique takes a few seconds and there is no financial cost.  If you are suffering from significant anxiety or depression that is a different situation and I strongly support working with a counselor or psychotherapist. 

The new year is here and I have a new niche… relationships and dating!  I’m still passionate about helping people have a more satisfying and successful work life.   Here’s what happened… I found my “right” personal partner a few years ago.  Because of our commitment to a life long relationship, 2020 was surprisingly a good year for me.   A mutually loving relationship impacts every area of your life. :-). 

During the past year you faced many unexpected challenges and hopefully created some meaningful and memorable experiences with the people you care about.   A crisis (the pandemic) offers an opportunity to connect to your inner strength as well as friends and family who can support and help you.  I’m available if you want some extra emotional support.  My initial consultation is complimentary.    

Cheers to love, laugher and life!


Professional Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach


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