My Life Became A Lot Better When… Hint: That’s not it!

Are bad feelings necessary for a better life?  I wish it wasn’t true and I’m also glad it is.   If you always felt fine you wouldn’t be motivated to have more of what makes you happy.  It’s a good thing that it’s impossible to feel good all the time.  Pain leads to Gain!  What I’m about to share will help you feel better and create a better life.  It works best after a significant loss like a relationship or job.  You are more motivated due to deep emotional pain.   

The answer to “Hint: That’s not it!” Is…            

         Writing in  A “Feelings” Journal 

My life like yours has taken many twists and turns.  It does seem true that good and bad things happen in threes or at least twos!  Last summer I had two big losses in my life.  Now my life is becoming better than ever before and I attribute it to…         

Making an entry in my “Feelings” Journal… Almost (I’m human!) every day. 

        I also…

  1. Followed my motto… “First Feel, Second Solve” Don’t stuff your feelings. Get them out!
  2. Recorded my good and bad feelings with an explanation.  Why did I feel that way?
  3. Stared out the window focused on my breathing twice a day for at least 5 minutes.
  4. Paid closer attention to stress in my body… especially my shoulders and jaw.  Yoga helps!  
  5. Focused on ways to release my anger… punching into the air with angry words, walking with a heavy step or using my signature tool… “Scribble and Scream” 
  6. Watched sad movies helping me shed some tears and feel my sadness.  
  7. Gave myself a big hug… often!

One more thing! I truly believe that my greatest gifts have come from emotionally challenging experiences in my life.  I’m grateful I have had many of them.  

Be Loving.  Be kind.  To YOU first!

With all my love,


Professional Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach


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