Making Decisions: When In Doubt…Don’t!

Too often we make decisions that later we regret.  We get impatient waiting and worrying about what’s the best choice.  Clarity comes with a careful review of pros and cons, listening to your intuition and awareness of body sensations.  Your body will tense or tighten in a particular place letting you know… don’t!

As a Licensed Counselor and Life Coach I help people make important decisions about their work and personal life.  The hardest part is staying calm, confidant and centered.   When you feel fearful you bypass your rational mind.  Your decision-making ability deteriorates and your risk for regrets sky-rockets!

You wonder when to leave a job, career or business.  These are big decisions that tend to be stressful.  You are tempted to avoid pain and just get it over with.  You might say… well at least I made a decision.  Only problem is you can create more and worse pain.  Your choice!

Joe came to see me because he hated his job and was starting to feel frustrated and stuck.  He had received another rejection letter the day before he contacted me.  His thoughts went to starting a consulting business or hiding under the covers!   Joe selected me because I was a business coach and a counselor.

During the Assessment Session it became apparent why Joe wasn’t ready to make a decision.  Besides being in a funk he wasn’t clear about what he wanted or what would be a better fit.  My initial goal was to help Joe feel better emotionally and improve his current work life.  Finding clarity about “what next?” became much easier and enjoyable!

Clarity is always achievable.   It takes time and diligent determination.  It also takes letting go and having hope or faith.   Getting good professional guidance leads to speedier and more satisfying results.   Enlist support from friends and family.   Please don’t try to do it by yourself.  I promise it is close to impossible.

                                  When in Doubt… Don’t Decide!

MarGO Geller, LCSW

Licensed Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach


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