I’m A Dating Coach, Not A Matchmaker!

Dating Coaching is NOT Matchmaking!  Frequently I tell someone I’m a Dating Coach and they think I’m a matchmaker.  Yesterday it happened and I knew I needed to explain the difference.  In case you didn’t read my last blog, I’m enthusiastically entering into Dating Coaching.   It came about organically (see last paragraph) which I believe is the best way.

The Difference Between a Dating Coach and A Matchmaker…

A Dating Coach helps you become a better dater!  They help you understand who is a good fit for you and why.  A good dating coach asks the important questions to uncover hidden obstacles.  They understand the emotional side and are trained in stress and anxiety management.  Dating coaches have different areas of expertise, different approaches and different types of clients they work with.  

A Matchmaker recommends matches and arranges dates for you.  The better ones are niched.  You pay them to fish for a trout in a trout pond not the ocean!  Unlike online dating where you can match with hundreds of people.  A matchmaker focuses on quality over quantity. They give a little personalized advice before and after your dates.  

The Pros and Cons of Working With A Dating Coach


  1. Potential to improve your social and emotional intelligence, self image and self esteem.
  2. Learn what works and what doesn’t from an expert.
  3. Get accountability, feedback and motivation from your coach
  4. Acquire skills and self knowledge that you can apply to other areas of your life.


  1. They don’t set you up on dates. You have to put yourself out there, start going out on dates and figuring out who’s right for you
  2. It can be difficult and scary to share your insecurities and anxieties.
  3. You are asked to address your weaknesses and push yourself outside your comfort zones.
  4. You need to put into action what your coach is teaching you, otherwise you stay stuck.

 The Pros and Cons of Working With A Matchmaker: Pros:

  1. They vet and do background checks.  
  2. You don’t have to deal with the anxiety of meeting strangers 
  3. Most guarantee a certain amount of dates per month or year
  4. Saves you time and effort from meeting people and deciding who to reach out to.


  1. Less control over who you go on dates with since Matchmaker will decide
  2. It will require you to go out with someone you haven’t previously interacted with
  3. You won’t learn how to become a much more attractive and desirable date
  4. More hands off unlike a dating coach who checks in on a regular basis

My new interest in dating coaching came from working with younger clients (late 20’s through late 30’s) who want to start a business or get a new job and also want to get married or have a long term committed relationship.  When shifting to Dating Coaching we still spend some time on their career.  

Please keep me in mind 🙂


Professional Counselor, Business, Career and Dating Coach




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