We tell ourselves we are happy (or not) and is that the truth? How do you know if you or someone else is truly happy? Some people try to convince themselves they are happy and other people are happier than they realize. Happiness is complicated!!
We pursue happiness. It’s part of our Constitution! Who doesn’t want to be happy? Our culture rewards happy people. If you are in a people facing profession or job like sales or managing customer or client relationships it helps to come across as happy even if you aren’t. The important thing is to be honest with yourself and those you are close to like your partner or best friend.
Seven Signs You Are Truly Happy:
- When you are happy you want others to be happy too! You feel good about yourself and naturally want to make others feel good.
- You aren’t bothered by minor annoyances and instead focus on what’s working or going well.
- You feel grateful for what you have not resentful for what you wish you had.
- You feel excited for a friend or colleague who wins an award or accomplishes something important to them. You aren’t envious.
- You don’t let yourself linger in a stressful situation. Instead you calm yourself down and do something concrete to feel better.
- You value your strengths, talents and best qualities. Happy people like and love themselves.
- You have a glass half full mentality or a positive mindset.
Happiness is influenced by your genetic make up (nature) and environmental influences (nurture). Everyone’s brain is wired differently (basis for all intelligences, personality and temperament) and your environment and experiences aren’t the same. Therefore if you have most of what I’ve listed above you are lucky. Be grateful :-).
Striving for more happiness will positively impact your career, business and life! Don’t pretend to be happy instead acknowledge when you are unhappy and commit to doing what it takes to become happier.
I’d be happy to help you!
Professional Counselor, Business, Career and Life Coach