As a Business, Career and Life Coach I understand the incredibly positive impact generosity has on work fulfillment, personal satisfaction, overall health and success! With generosity the returns are huge.
Businesses set themselves apart by being uniquely generous. In the 80’s I built and sold a successful gourmet take out and delivery business. I regularly gave out my recipes and samples. Any complaint deserved a free cream cheese brownie. I was known for my generous spirit!
In your work and personal life generosity is closely connected to higher happiness. If you enjoy giving or helping others you understand the intrinsic benefits. If you are feeling down or discouraged giving is good medicine. It’s hard to feel bad when genuinely giving to others.
A Generous Spirit is something to cultivate and cherish. It is definitely a nature and nurture type of thing. If you want to become more generous do it in baby steps. Help one person with one thing and then stop! Note how you feel. Hopefully good or at least better!
Based on family stories, I believe I was born with a generous spirit. I loved sharing whatever I had and helping my friends feel better. My father was a natural helper. Helping made him happy. He taught me the joys of giving.
Generosity is a state of being. How do you know if someone has a generous spirit? I can tell very quickly. There is a quality of caring that comes through. It’s not all about them. A generous person seeks out opportunities to help and support others. It is part of their personality.
You know if you are generous or not. If you aren’t it’s not a big deal. You can still be a good person. Just remember that it is one of the best life enhancement tools. It will help you grow your business, career and life! Hard to beat!
MarGO Geller, LCSW
Licensed Counselor and Business, Career, Life Coach
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