Beyond Book Smart

Do you ever think you aren’t smart even though others think you are.  I used to. 🙂  Many measure smart solely on “Book Smart” or intellectual intelligence.  This type of intelligence is less important for an entrepreneur!

If a “good” life means having good relationships then just being “book smart” isn’t enough.   You need many other types of intelligence, especially in business.  Social and Emotional are at the top of the list. Two that I highly value are Practical and Creative.

Social intelligence is about being comfortable interacting in a social setting.  A socially awkward person may hide in the corner or put their foot in their mouth.  On the other hand, there are people who can get along with almost anyone and are easy to engage with.

Emotionally intelligent people notice and tune into feelings.  This applies to themselves and others.  You have the capacity to be empathic.  To have a closer connection with someone you want to know and understand how they are feeling.

Others intelligences include logical-mathematical, visual/spatial, musical, verbal linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic and naturalistic.   As a Business and Career Coach I added Practical and Creative Intelligence because they make sense to me :-). 

Practical Intelligence is the result of an experimental hands-on operating style that focuses on Doing Rather Than Reading.  Practical learners find the best fit between themselves and the demands of the environment.  They are Street Smart!  Some Entrepreneurs never finished high school and many don’t have a college degree.  It’s important to know that Degrees Don’t Determine Success!  

Creative intelligence is similar to what I call Entrepreneurial Intelligence.  An Entrepreneur or someone with a strong entrepreneurial spirit things creatively or outside the box.  They question the “tried and true” or conventionality and are open to new ideas and suggestions.  During a job or career transition it’s important to connect to your creative intelligence.

I understand what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and how to develop a stronger entrepreneurial mindset.  I’ve been helping people transition from employee to entrepreneur or business owner for many years.  If you are thinking about starting a business or changing careers, I’d love to help you sort things out.

Cheers to Personal and Professional Growth!


Margo Geller, MS, MSW, CRC

Professional Counselor and Business and Life Coach



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